
Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, PLC attorneys regularly assist clients in obtaining licenses and authorizations via the federal spectrum auction process, with our experience in this area dating back to the initiation of spectrum auctions in the 1990s.

Our involvement often begins before the client has decided which frequencies and/or markets it will pursue – sometimes even before the entity formally exists. FHH attorneys are very experienced when it comes to setting up bidding entities.

Once the entity is up and running, our advice ranges from navigating the complex warrant, option and debt provisions of auction ownership rules to participating side-by-side with our clients during the auction bidding process. We want our clients to clearly understand the auction rules and results as they develop their strategies, often helping them digest ongoing developments, respond to hour-by-hour bidding developments and then implement winning plans.

Once a client has successfully bid upon spectrum and won federal authorization, our firm assists with the post-auction licensing process. FHH attorneys have worked with hundreds of clients from beginning to end of the pre-auction, auction and post-auction licensing process.

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