Fixed Wireless

Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, PLC has long been a leader in the regulation of fixed wireless service, also known as point-to-point microwave. We initiated many of the service’s rulemakings over the past quarter-century. Our lawyers were instrumental in founding the industry-wide Fixed Wireless Communications Coalition (“FWCC”) 1998, and have served as its counsel ever since.

We help individual manufacturers conform their products to the Federal Communications Commission’s rules, and persuade the FCC to update its rules as technology evolves. Through the FWCC, we work with industries that rely on fixed microwave, such as railroads, electric utilities, pipelines, public safety, and cable television, to make sure their needs are met. We assist individual users in frequency coordinating and filing for private and common carrier microwave channels that form the backbone of modern communications. When needed, we help to resolve interference disputes.

Our attorneys have been at the center of Broadband Radio Service and Educational Broadband Service, and their predecessors – the Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service and Instructional Television Fixed Service – almost since the inception of those services. We have represented incumbent legacy licensees, auction winners, and new entrants to this industry as these services evolved from a limited subscription video service to 5G mobile broadband. In addition to managing licensing and regulatory compliance, our lawyers negotiate lease contracts and help resolve disputes between licensees and their lessees.

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