Congressional Advocacy

Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, PLC attorneys give clients a voice on Capitol Hill and before the Executive Branch. Policy decisions made in Washington, D.C. have an enormous impact on participants in the communications industry around the nation and the world. What happens here often determines how the rules of the game are structured, and even who has the opportunity to play.

Our attorneys help to ensure that our clients have a say in these decisions. Our extensive experience working in, and with, the federal government allows clients to stay focused on building their businesses at home, with confidence their interests are well represented in before Congress.

Our services include:

  • Serving as our clients’ eyes and ears in Washington, D.C. while they develop and grow their businesses;
  • Monitoring the progress of relevant legislative measures from introduction, to debate, through mark up, and consideration;
  • Analyzing legislative measures and identifying policy opportunities (and threats) that impact client concerns;
  • Developing legislative strategies for a range of clients, from multinational corporations, to regional communications providers, to small Internet start-ups;
  • Building relationships among clients and policymakers to advance client goals and to ensure client concerns are known to policymakers;
  • Advocating on behalf of clients before Congress and its committees;
  • Briefing Members of Congress and their staffs on the business impact of legislation under consideration;
  • Developing legislative language, white papers, and testimony, and preparing clients as witnesses in Congressional hearings;
  • Developing coalitions and facilitating relationships among related interests to increase policy influence; and
  • Working with allies in Congress to shape agency decision making

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